ALBANY,NEW YORK- George Amadore was demanding freedom and brought the crowd to their feet.
AM talk 1300 host Melody Burns was a girl on fire, delivering a inspired speech on 2nd amendment rights.
Hon Brian Scavo was on hand to see the people demanding their freedom and their constitutional rights and commented on how large and unusual it was to have this many people at a weekend rally in the cold.
This shows the political power of paul vandenburgs AM talk 1300 to draw out this many people. DONATE HERE
ALBANY ,NEW YORK-Thousands of gun-rights advocates descended upon the state Capitol Saturday to make sure their message was clear: Not all New Yorkers support state legislation passed last week that aggressively tightens restrictions on assault-style weapons and ammunition.
Approval of gun limits, they argued, is just plain un-American.
"I'll tell you what," said Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, R-Melrose, to a riled crowd, "They confiscate our guns, they confiscate our freedom."
McLaughlin went so far as to call the law, called the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, or SAFE, the result of "political violence." He spoke with congeniality and force. The crowd fired off cheers that ricocheted blocks away.
McLaughlin continued: "For people without courage and honor Albany is a lonely place. But I don't work for this governor, I work for you."
The rhetoric at the protest, organized by Guns Across America to take place in conjunction with similar rallies across the country, has become familiar in recent weeks. Signs scrawled in paint, Sharpie markers and some even in glitter carried phrases such as "Gun Control is People Control " and "Without the 2nd Amendment There is No First."
a gun owner, had traveled from Binghamton with 10 friends for the rally. Equating New York's new laws with communism and fascism, he wore a cardboard sandwich sign querying, "Is this Nazi Germany in 1938 or is this Cuba?"
"I was just made a criminal," he said, referring to the law's ban of weapons that feature at least one military-style feature such as a bayonet mount, flash suppressors or a pistol grip, in addition to a ban on magazines holding more than seven rounds of ammunition. Sauer said he owns several guns that would be banned under the law, though the law also provides for current owners of the weapons to be grandfathered.
"This is feel-good legislation and everybody knows it," he said, adding, "The Second Amendment is not about hunting."
The protest was only a forceful peak in the pro-gun rallying cries that have erupted since the mass shooting in December at a Connecticut elementary school. The killings catapulted the country's longstanding gun-control debate to a newly urgent place in the spotlight. Those cries have only multiplied in the days since the passage of the SAFE Act late Tuesday evening, as evidenced by the thousands that braved a bone-numbing chill to fill West Capitol Park. DONATE HERE
LegislatorBrianScavo is based in Albany, New York, United States of America, xml
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